General Education Core – Mathematics (M) M 162M - Applied Calculus M 171M - Calculus I M 172M - Calculus II M 121M - College Algebra M 140M - College Math for Healthcare M 122M - College Trigonometry M 105M - Contemporary Mathematics M 133M - Geometry and Geometric Measurement for K-8 Teachers HONR 263FM - Honors: Fine Arts/Mathematics HONR 265GM - Honors: Global Issues/Mathematics HONR 252HM - Honors: Humanities/Mathematics M 274M - Introduction to Differential Equations M 225M - Introduction to Discrete Mathematics M 221M - Introduction to Linear Algebra STAT 216M - Introduction to Statistics M 273M - Multivariable Calculus M 132M - Number and Operations for K-8 Teachers M 153M - Precalculus Trigonometry M 115M - Probability and Linear Mathematics