
Theatre Arts Transfer to Central Washington University

The following course of study has been jointly established to prepare students to transfer to Central Washington University (CWU) to earn either a Bachelor of Arts degree in Theatre Studies or a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theatre Arts. Students who complete the Associate of Arts degree at FVCC will transfer to CWU with junior standing and the guarantee that CWU’s General Education Basic & Breadth requirements have been satisfied. Students must earn a grade of “C” or higher in all classes in order to qualify for this agreement. See your advisor for more information about this transfer articulation agreement.

Suggested course of study for a transfer in Theatre Arts
First Year
First Year Total: 30
Second Year
Second Year Total: 30
Total Credits: 60

*Indicates prerequisite and/or corequisite needed. Check course description.

The information on all transfer programs is subject to change. Students should see their advisor to explore other possibilities not specifically listed in the program.


General Education Courses

Click below to see General Education course options: General Education Requirements


Courses to complete at CWU after transfer

After completing the FVCC AA course of study above, students will apply for admission into CWU and complete the following classes, as well as additional theatre electives based on specialization.

TH 166 – Theory of Play Production 3 credits
TH 261 – Costume Technology 3 credits
TH 268 – Lighting Technology 3 credits
TH 363 – Theatre History I 4 credits
TH 364 – Theatre History II 4 credits
TH 365 – Theatre History III 4 credits
TH 488 – Introduction to Dramaturgy 3 credits
TH 495 – Senior Research Project 3 credits